Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Dawson's 4th Birthday!!!

Well it's finally here Dawson's 4th Birthday. I can't believe he's that old . I remember when he could almost fit in the palm of my hand. Now look at him . and He's all boy too!
We took the motor home to Arizona this past week end and stayed for almost five days ( not long enough!!!) Even Mike was able to come down for a couple of days.
When we got there it was so hot!!!!! No one in their right mind lives in Arizona on purpose ESPECIALLY in the summertime. It was so hot that the dog didn't even want to go out the ground was so hot!
On Saturday we celebrated Dawson's Birthday at Peter Piper Pizza ( equivalent to Chuck E. Cheese) What a mad house there were kids everywhere!!! But I think Dawson had a good time. Cassy (Mommy) made a cake for Dawson and cupcakes for all the kids. Dawson decided to taste the cake ahead of time. Just to make sure it was OK! He got ton's of gifts like usual, ate pizza,played games (more interested in putting the tokens in then remembering to get the tickets he won. But that was OK because Uncle Mike won a bunch of tickets for him!!! Dawson even shared his tickets with his girlfriend Chloe. Uncle Nick and Aunt Olivia came to the party also. When we were all done we went back to the motor home and opened grama and grampa's presents. He had the best time with a toy microphone and punching bag that Uncle Mike gave him. Then for dinner we went to Texas Roadhouse for Uncle Nick's birthday dinner his birthday is two days before Dawson's birthday. We all had a great day.
On Sunday afternoon Chris (John's brother) and his wife Sarah and their kids Steven and Kiersten came over to visit we haven't seen them since John's mom passed away five years ago. Boy! do they all look different especially the kids Steven is 13 now and Kiersten is 10. How time fly's. After visiting for awhile we went to Cracker Barrel for dinner. That's my favorite place!
It was nice getting visit with them.
On Monday it was nice John and I got to do NOTHING it was great just getting to spend time with each other something we don't get a lot of time to do. We watched TV,played domino's and BBQ'ed just the two of us it was great.
Tuesday our last day there was Dawson's actual Birthday and we brought cookies that Cassy made to his school and got to see him play with his friends. Also a lady from the Phoenix Zoo came to his school and she brought some animal's for the kids to see. It was fun. But then it was time for us to head back to the motor home and leave for home. All in all we had a great time it just wasn't long enough.

School Time!

Disneyland's 50th Anniversary

Disneyland's 50th Anniversary
Fifty years ago it all began (and so did we!!!!)
myspace layouts, myspace codes, glitter graphics
Myspace Text Generator, Myspace Graphics

Hard At Work

Hard At Work
These cars are so dirty

Dawson and Cassy doing yard work

Come on Grampa I won't squirt you!!!!

Dawson' 4th Birthday Party July 21,2007

Dawson' 4th Birthday Party July 21,2007
Dawson and Papa Jphn

Dawson and Papa were playing and he fell in the hole he wasn't very happy!

Dawson and Mommy (Cassy)

Just couldn't wait!!!

Dawson and his girlfriend Chloe ( the one on his left)

That's just what I've always wanted!!

Uncle Mike won Dawson lots of tickets!!!!

Nick and Olivia

Dawson and Uncle Mike

Take that!!!!

OK You Win!!! (notice where his feet are)

Can You Hear Me Now????

I'm "4" now!!!